Art Districts.
RiNo Art District.
Located in the industrial corridor, North of downtown, RiNo includes a remarkable concentration of creative businesses, including architects, art galleries, designers, furniture makers, visual artists, media artists, photographers, sculptors and an array of studio spaces.
Weil is the co-founder and recently served as the Executive Director. The district focuses on advocacy, arts and cultural programming, fundraising, infrastructure projects, social justice, artists and small business support. With over 300 creative businesses and artists, the district current attracts over 2 million people each year as a major destination in Denver, Colorado. Recent winner of the 2023 Inspire Award – Recognizing a horizontal project that catalyzes ULI best practices in land use development for the RiNo Art Park.
Aurora Cultural Arts District.
The Aurora Culture Arts District (ACAD) is an independent non-profit organization leading local creative businesses, individuals, the local business community and area residents, partnering with the City of Aurora and other entities in efforts to enhance the district as a destination through cultural and educational experiences. Weil served as the Managing Director for 4 years helping to build relationships with the City of Aurora, artists, non-profits, and cultural groups. Weil also focused on fundraising, arts programming and activations and celebrating the amazing diversity in A-Town. Colorado Creative Industries Creative District.
40 West.
Weilworks was hired by the City of Lakewood to start an Arts District in Lakewood near the Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design, West Colfax and the new Lamar Street Lightrail Station. After a 6 month grassroots, community based process in partnership with RNL, the new arts district has successfuly formed and is now called 40 West Arts.
The 40 West planning effort won a DRCOG 2012 Gold Medal for the Local Government Awards category of “Planning with Vision.” The award is for the “40 West Arts District Design and Mobility Planning- A Collaborative Effort.”
Weil also recently finished working on the Art Line Framework Plan, Design Standards and Guidelines with the City of Lakewood and Livable Cities.
National Districts.
Weil has also consulted with Arts District Houston, Golden Triangle Creative District, and the Ogden Nine Rails Creative District in Utah.
If you are interested in learning more about Weil and how he can connect your community through the arts, please send us an email! Weil often speaks about the art communities he’s worked with as well as consults on new burgeoning districts or existing districts that need a fresh approach.